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A New Forum Made For Everyone

4 posters

    Andy GM Apply


    Posts : 9
    Join date : 2010-09-18

    Andy GM Apply Empty Andy GM Apply

    Post  Andy Sat Sep 18, 2010 12:28 pm

    GMT -3
    Experience Being GM:
    I have Already been GM on 12 servers.
    Here's a List of Them:
    #1. uFlyff.
    #2. HardFlyff.
    #3. TriumphFlyff.
    #4. FlyForFear.
    #5. DarkFusionFlyff.
    #6. Spectre Flyff.
    #7. Dear Flyff.
    #8. FlyForNothing.
    #9. FlyForKing. (v11 BR server)
    #10. FlyForGenX.
    #11. FlyForFaith.
    #12. NinjaFlyff
    How did you find us?:
    I was looking at Gtop 100 and found the server in a good position and i felt like joining.

    What will you do if you were accepted:

    Im a very determinated person, everytime i work for something i do my best to get it to the best.
    Its been like that in all Servers i worked for, in my own limitations i worked hard to improve the Players pleasure for being in such server, now, that im with no Job Sad i'd like to spend my time working for FlipTop and with the other staff, built the best Private server ever.
    As being a Event GM, i have such good ideas for events and Event systems.
    As Head GM i can preety make control and secure that Other GM's are making a God Job in benefit of the server, and work with my team to increase players and obviously, The fun.
    I have some Event Ideas that i implemented in other server and were succesfully done and approved.
    I'll Show some of them to You.
    Event ideas:
    #1- Asal & Hop Competition: Higher Damage wins, preety simple.

    #2- Kill The GM event: GM will use normal itens to they can duel the players and see if someone can kill them who kills the GM wins.

    #3- Quest General: I'll make up real flyff quests for people bring me stuff, but not only quest itens, but also food and weaps that drop from such monsters.

    #4- Kill The Giant event : 2 Giants will be spawned to each Char and they'll have to kill it in a period of time who kill faster or kills in the right Time wins.

    #5- Fashions CS set Contest - GMs will avaliate who have the most beautiful CS set on server that is online and up for the event.

    #6- Video Contests: Players will make videos about FlipTop and post on the Video section to GM's avaliation. The best video wins. The event goes on for 1 week. IMPLEMENTED

    #7- SFX contests: Players will have to make new weapons, sets, fashions sets and Shields desings. The best of any categories win. Event goes on for undetermined Time.

    #8- Race for HERO : Players will have to make new chars and make them HERO. Who ever gets it first wins a special prize!

    #9- FlipTop Rainbow Race: This event needs 2 GM's one will go to a destination and announce the Start. The other GM will go with the Competitors to be sure no one use Blinkwing or Cheat Engine.
    Event GM, Head GM.
    Kakashi Hatake
    Kakashi Hatake

    Posts : 20
    Join date : 2010-09-18

    Andy GM Apply Empty Re: Andy GM Apply

    Post  Kakashi Hatake Sat Sep 18, 2010 12:34 pm

    80% you will accepted..

    Good Luck

    Posts : 23
    Join date : 2010-09-18
    Location : Hideing in your bushes.

    Andy GM Apply Empty Re: Andy GM Apply

    Post  Booze Sat Sep 18, 2010 12:36 pm

    Comon its andy o.o no one leiks that kid

    Posts : 9
    Join date : 2010-09-18

    Andy GM Apply Empty Re: Andy GM Apply

    Post  Andy Sat Sep 18, 2010 12:37 pm

    Jealous guy, lol
    AND sorry for not playing to much those days im having some problems at home but ill be totally avaible next week i hope.
    Cutest Admin :3

    Posts : 23
    Join date : 2010-09-17
    Age : 29

    Andy GM Apply Empty Re: Andy GM Apply

    Post  [Dev/Admin]Rakii Sat Sep 18, 2010 2:36 pm

    nice app.

    Posts : 9
    Join date : 2010-09-18

    Andy GM Apply Empty Re: Andy GM Apply

    Post  Andy Sun Sep 19, 2010 12:37 am


    Posts : 9
    Join date : 2010-09-18

    Andy GM Apply Empty Re: Andy GM Apply

    Post  Andy Sun Sep 19, 2010 6:38 am

    If i wasnt accepted for not being Often online, was because i was with some problems at home and my connection was a crap...
    As i told in my apply, nxt week ill be totally avaiable for FlipTop, i guess i was one of the best Applyers i just would like to know why i didnt got accepted ;/
    Thank You, Andy

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