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2 posters

    Kakashi Hatake's Application[edited.but i know that the gm is full..just posting for what ever reasons..xD]

    Kakashi Hatake
    Kakashi Hatake

    Posts : 20
    Join date : 2010-09-18

    Kakashi Hatake's Application[edited.but i know that the gm is full..just posting for what ever reasons..xD] Empty Kakashi Hatake's Application[edited.but i know that the gm is full..just posting for what ever reasons..xD]

    Post  Kakashi Hatake Mon Sep 20, 2010 6:05 pm

    Name:Ryan Perez





    In game name:KakashiSensei

    Experience Being GM:i haven't be GM but i have a list of flyff gm codes

    How did you found us?:I found this server via Gtop100.com.

    What will you do if you were accepted:I will make event's like -HnS-i will use invisible command and i will use a baloon and i will give 3 clues.
    -PvP Event-1 player will compete with another player
    -Last Man Standing-All players will enter the arena and kill each other
    -Mocomochi Event-A Special event that all player will kill mocomochi but they should not use revive if they killed by mocomochi because the mocomochi hp is 10 but his damage is unlimited.
    -Special Giant event-A GM will summon a Drakul,Beast overlord khan,general razgul or Kheldor..[make a pt first and pm a gm and a gm will summon it in a special place]
    -QnA Event-I will ask question and the first pm me or shout will win the game
    [5 points every winner]
    -I will contribute my knowledgement here.
    -I will banned players that use CE.
    -I will kicked or banned players that advertising.
    -I will help players to connect in game.
    -I will not abuse gm powers because it my first time so i will treasure it..xD

    Position:Event Gm/Gm

    Posts : 23
    Join date : 2010-09-18
    Location : Hideing in your bushes.

    Kakashi Hatake's Application[edited.but i know that the gm is full..just posting for what ever reasons..xD] Empty Re: Kakashi Hatake's Application[edited.but i know that the gm is full..just posting for what ever reasons..xD]

    Post  Booze Tue Sep 21, 2010 7:36 am

    Ugh to much color differential hurts mah eyes mostly the yellow

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